Thursday, December 3, 2020

5 Habits That Men Routinely Fall In Love With

 "A lady should be 2 things: stylish as well as incredible ."-- Coco Chanel

 Whether you're searching for a long-lasting partner , or already have one, it pays to have a few key communication habits in place . One vital thing about guys is that they don't always know how to express what theywant in a woman . A lot of guys weren't really taught about sharing their feelings while growing up .

So it can be challenging sometimes for them to let their partner know about their desires . And this leads to all sorts of miscommunication as well as unfulfilled expectations, which can place a wedge in between couples .

 Fortunately , I'm here to give you an inside view to exactly how guys think about relationships . Drawing from my own experienceand from coaching thousands of men and women , below are the Top 5 Behaviors That Make Men Crazy About You:

# 1: Playing Hard to Get 
I know this could seem like a cliche , but listen up. Commonly , a lot of women (and guys too !) attempt to create attraction by putting on a distant-but- I-might-be-attracted -to-you sort of act. Likewise , they may wait an arbitrary amount of time to reply to messages (a couple of hours) so they don't look desperate .

 Worse, they act like they're busy , expecting it'll make a guy more interested in them. But this technique tends to backfire . Doing this sends mixed messages - and if it keeps happening he'll at some point get sick of this stilted act .

There's no problem showing interest in a person if you like him , so there's no need in this day and age to play silly mind games . Instead , you can play a slightly different sort of game -- one that shows authenticityand builds interest . Give your man signs that you like him, and be engaged when you're doing something together . Experts assert that a man starts falling for a woman once they recognize that they are wanted.

 As for "playing hard to get" , it's about actually keeping busy. It's better to be to be "busy" or "engaged" with all aspects of life. You've got your job , social life, hobbies and various other passions that make you well-rounded and happy .

 If that makes you unavailable from time to time , that's a good thing . Richard Wiseman, author of "59 Seconds: Change Your Life in Under a Minute", looked further into this . He concluded that people who were hard to get gave the impression that they are a scarce resource.  

Nevertheless , they ADDITIONALLY had to be enthusiastic toward the other person to be attractive . By doing this , it put the subject in a more balanced and appealing light. Learn About The 'Emotional Triggers' To Turn on a Man 's Infatuation Instinct

# 2: Light His Fire In a nutshell , you need to create intense feelings within a man when you're together . He'll then associate those feelings with you, which naturally intensifies the romantic spark . 

In an MIT research study , behavioral researchers identified that people have an automatic reaction of transferring their feelings from one setting to the next. How does this apply ? As an example , if you nearly had a car crash on the way to work, you would carry those traumatic vibes with you into the workplace .

That previous, unrelated experience would impact the rest of your day This phenomenon is known as "emotional misattribution" or "psychological leak " - the human tendency to affix strong emotions to another person or situation , even if they had little to do with it.

Additionally , this means that being physically aroused can easily convert into a sexual attraction. So, if you can find ways to keep shared experiences exciting for him - like going on an outdoor adventure or something physically intensive -- then he'll attach those feelings onto you.

 # 3: Encourage His Jokes 
Admittedly , many women respond to this one with a raised eyebrow . But hear me out - this might just be huge for your relationship .

First of all , you don't need to be rolling on the floor with tears in your eyes . But feel free to let him know when his efforts to amuse you succeed . Research shows that wit is a huge part of romantic attraction .

 As you already know, women like men that are funny or clever as itsignifies intelligence (which is an attractive attribute ).

But recent research done by Westfield State College, University of Western Ontario, and McMaster University concluded that "men preferred those who were receptive to their own humor, particularly for sexual relationships." It's not that he wants to be known as "funny" ... but more to do with a guy's need to be appreciated in a relationship .

You would be amazed at the proportion of guys who tell me "being appreciated" is among the most important things in a relationship . So, valuing his humor is a good place to begin . Use These Scripts To Trigger A Man 's Infatuation Response And Watch The Dramatic Difference In How He Responds To You - CLICK HERE 

#4: Strength in Numbers

Studies  show that  having  a solid  group of friends  around you  will boost  your  appeal  to a potential mate .

For example , there's research from Tilburg University in the Netherlands and the University of California which  both identified  what's referred to as  "The Cheerleader Effect."

"The Cheerleader Effect" study  essentially  states  that someone  people see  you as higher-value when  you're seen in a group.

At first glance , you might  think  it's due to the fact that  you'll appear  more popular  or  friendly .This  makes you attractive  without looking like  you're trying too much .

But  there's another  angle to it. You see, the human mind  has  a tendency  of categorizing  individual elements  (like shapes, objects and people) into a basic  group .

This is mostly  a hardwired survival trait  to not visually  concentrate  solely  on one individual thing  - but  rather  the whole picture  (similar to  peripheral vision) . And this mental-process  spills over  to an individual 's social life also .

So as a tip , you can set  your Facebook  (and  online dating) profile   to a photo  with  a few  close friends . Just make certain  it's clear  who  you are in the photo  so you don't get lost  in a  sea of faces!

Planning  to find  a new man  in  an event ? Bring  a few of  your close friends  with you!  Social proofing  is a powerful  attraction-enhancer , so use it to your advantage


 # 5: Get Sensual
There's really  no  surprise here. Sex  is a key step in building  your  connection .

But  youmight  be stunned  -- and even  downright worried  -- at the number of women  lacking  in this area .

And   I'm not talking about acting  out   an adult movie to excite him .

I'm saying  that you should  be more  aware of  his  hot buttons, and learn  just how  to push  them.

As an example ,   women underestimate  the   power of a gentle  touch.

Most  men  go their entire  lives not  experiencing  the pure pleasure of a reassuring  pat on the back, a hug, or other kinds  of love .

Women, on the other hand, often  experience this on a daily basis .

So utilizing  body language  is an excellent  method  to spark  a deeper connection  -- whether it's brushing against his arm or leg "inadvertently " ...

... or placing  your hand on his arm for a moment .

Keep in mind , men  like  a flirtatious game , and the delicious  process of  the "slow burn."


One final  piece of advice (this one is BIG)  - there's another  quality  I forgot to  discuss  earlier, but  it's incredibly  attractive  to  men .

Research  done at  Rutgers University found a unique  psychological  attribute  in guys  that they dubbed as   an "psychological  tripwire."

Now, when  you understand exactly how  this functions  - and how to implement  it (which is very  easy by the way ) ...

... your man  will immediately  enter  a state of intense  infatuation.

It's like a splinter in his brain , making him incapable of seeing  any other women in a romantic way -- other than  YOU.

There's a free video presentation  explaining  this in SHOCKING  detail, so ensure  you're sitting down before watching it:

 How To Use  Infatuation Scripts To Make Him Sure That You're The One For Him - CLICK HERE

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