Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Why Men Push Away Their Perfect Girl

 Why  Men  Pull Away From  Their Ideal  Woman

Why Men Push Away Their Perfect Girl


When Holly met  Colin 3 years ago , she could see  they were perfect  for each other . They shared the same  dark humor  and also  appreciated  the very same  films  and television  shows . Plus they  both intended to  begin  a family in the next few  years .

They even had the very same  favorite childhood book  - The Velveteen Rabbit - a funny  coincidence he  frequently  pointed out  when people  asked about how they met .

So when Colin  suddenly  ended things  one stormy  October day, she felt  completely  blindsided.

"I don't  understand  what changed how he felt ," she told us  "He once  told me that he'd written down  a list  when he was young  of everything  he desired  in a future wife , and that I'd marked off  every last one . And  just a couple of weeks ago  he was talking about   singing  classes  so he could serenade me  at our wedding."

Unfortunately , this story  is common . Dating and relationship expert Clayton Max told us  it's not unusual at all  for a guy  to   retreat from  a woman  who  appears  ideal  for him .

"Something that many women  do not  understand ," Max said  "is it does not matter  how perfect  she  is for him  'theoretically '. She might  check  every box  on his list, but when it comes to moving the relationship forward, he still is vulnerable to panic . "

That's because,  despite  taking pride in  how logical and sensible they are , Max says , "Males  don't  select  a woman  based upon  who is the most  logical  choice  for them. Rather , they pick  the individual  who  makes them FEEL certain things."

What things? You may ask...

According to Max,  guys  are instinctively  a lot more  afraid  of committing  than women , but  their minds  also  come  pre-wired with a mechanism that overrides  this fear  with the appropriate  woman .

Max calls this  The Infatuation Response , and when it's turned on , it essentially  closes down  the part of his mind  that feels panicked . All of a sudden  his reactions  of doubt are released , he feels a sense of confidence about the woman , and he's prepared  to move mountains to be with her.

When deciding  between a person  who  makes logical sense    or  one that 's triggered  his primal  infatuation impulse , he  will always  pick  the one who 's triggered  his infatuation reaction  one hundred percent of the time .

So what are Max's  recommendations  for a woman  that  wants her man  to commit   deeply to her?

1. Accept  things the way the are

A big  error   women make, is wishing men  were different than they are. But a man  can no more change  these  thoughts  of panic  he has about  committing for life  than a woman can control her instincts  toward commitment .

As a matter of fact , when he has a feeling of being  misunderstood  for  his vulnerability , it   adds to  the anxiety  and shame  he  has inside , making him more likely to hit the 'eject' switch  sooner rather than later .

By acknowledging  that this is simply  the way  guys  are wired, and not pressuring  him,  it gives  you  space  to focus on  what YOU CAN DO to  make him certain  - triggering  his infatuation instinct .

2. Don't  try  to "convince " him

The majority of  women fall into the trap of  trying  to be a guy's  'perfect girl' , by exhibiting  all the 'good girlfriend ' qualities , like  being a great  listener, being loyal, attentive, generous, and seductive .

They'll note  out all the reasons they're a perfect  match , or they'll   attempt  to determine  what qualities he desires  in a woman , so they can display them when he's around.

In either case , they're trying  to appeal to  his 'logical  brain ', which in this situation  is not in charge .

Women   do this repeatedly , despite the fact that this   almost  never  works , leaving them let down , and upset  when he  winds up  choosing  someone  who  has practically  none of the characteristics  he states  he desires .

3. Focus on  activating  his infatuation impulse

The only surefire  way of getting a guy  to commit with his whole  heart, so he's absolutely  confident  that she  is the one for him, is to trigger  his infatuation response .

A guy 's infatuation response  is turned on  by   very specific qualities in a woman . Things  like intrigue , boundaries, as well as  unpredictability , which create  a sense  of excitement  and an urge  to chase .

While  most  women   try  to show her man  just how  dedicated  they are  to him in  the hope  that this will  make him feel secure    to open  his heart, this more often than not    builds on  the pressure  weighing him down , because  at this moment , he's even more  afraid  of losing his freedom  than losing her.

For more information  about  how  to trigger  a man's  infatuation impulse , with  exact  scripts that do exactly  that, watch this free video presentation.

In it, you'll learn about  the 'emotional tripwire', which places  a guy  in infatuation mode, without him realizing why.

Watch it now while it's still online

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